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forum rectifieuse cannelure.
223 Crimping and Cannelure for ARs | Rokslide Forum
Any strong opinions on crimping or cannelure on 223 bullets? I've never crimped and only have cannelure on a big bag of 55 gr soft points for plinking. Never took the time to see if there's a difference (any big differences I've noticed are far more obvious with bullet selection and powder). Thanks -
About Corbin Hand Cannelure Tool | Corbins
The Corbin Hand Cannelure Tool (HCT-1) creates precision cannelure grooves on straight-sided pistol cases or jacketed bullets. You can set both the position and the depth of the cannelure exactly. Two hardened, ground rollers form a V-way on which the bullet (or case) is rested, and a hardened tool steel embossing wheel is brought into contact ...
Cannellures? | Ruger Forum
115 posts · Joined 2010. #2 · Jan 29, 2010. The cannelure is for an uniform and secure roll crimp, that will hold the bullet in place during recoil. If the bullet moves, the pressure in …
Looking for a case cannelure tool | 1911Forum
I know they make a powered cannelure machine for relatively high cannelure production that is priced with quite a bit of "pride" in it. But they make a hand powered unit as well for a hundred forty or so From Corbin, The Corbin Hand Cannelure Tool (HCT-1) HCT-1 ----- Hand Cannelure Tool (22-72 caliber jacketed) ----- $ 139.00
Oh, that's what a cannelure is for? | 1911Forum
In cartridges, the cannelure is a band pressed into the case which helps prevent cartridge setback when the case mouth is properly crimped onto the cannelure.Bullet setback of . 1" can increase pressure beyond safe limits and possibly cause a catastrophic failure.
Seating to the Cannelure? | Shooters' Forum
I am reloading a 264 mag. Nosler Part and Hornady SST. Two different OAL. Noslers don't have cannelure, all is ok. SST do. My ogive length for them makes the bullet sit slightly above the case mouth and the cannelure doesn't touch that. My question is, do I seat them ten thouhs off the ogive dimension, or push them on down to the cannelure?
38 special cases w/ridges (cannelure?)
The case mouth should be just below the top of the bullet cannelure and then you roll crimp. Your picture show the crimp a bit lower down the cannelure then I prefer. If you are seating and crimping in one operation, stop it and get a Redding Profile Crimp die and crimp separate from seating. To verify:
45acp brass with cannelure | 1911Forum
The cases with cannelure seemed to work, so I don't see any harm in using them for this application, just to use up these bullets if nothing else. ... A forum community dedicated to all 1911 firearm owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more!
270 Winchester crimp or no crimp | The Firearms Forum
If it has a cannelure..i crimp. Especially high recoil cartridges. souNdguy sent from my NOKIA 1020 Win8 phone. ... The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA
Bullets W/ cannelure question. | Taurus Firearm Forum
I can use the bullets for the .50AE that have no cannelure in my 500 Mag reloads which are cheaper than 500 Mag bullets. It crimps them hard enough that I've never had a .50AE bullet backout of my S&W 500 Mag cartridges. ... A forum community dedicated to Taurus firearm owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing ...
.38 Special COAL | Shooters Forum
That should put the cannelure at the case mouth for correct crimping plus when you seat a bullet .100" longer it makes for added case volume and less bullet tension. I highly recommend a good roll crimp for .38 Special. Save ... The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Second Media Inc., 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham ...
Must you use the cannelure? | Page 2 | Shooters Forum
You are right to think the effect is no worse a cannelure, but as I mentioned, the reason match bullets aren't given cannelures is precisely because even bullet makers can't find a way to roll them in that consistently makes them perfectly symmetrical around the bullet. ... The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Second Media Inc ...
.223 Bullets with Cannelure | The Firearms Forum
.223 Bullets with Cannelure. Jump to Latest ... A forum community dedicated to all firearm owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and …
Why no more......Cannelure. | 1911Forum
Quick question.....so why did ammo manufactures stop producing cannelure cases for the .45acp loaded cartridges.....I have some old cartridges with and it obviously prevents bullet set-back to some degree, which is a good thing.....your thoughts please. ... The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Second Media Inc., 30800 Telegraph ...
One of the reasons for a Cannelure | Carolina Shooters Forum
One of the primary reasons for the cannelure as we all know is to crimp the case to it. Often this poses a question when you grab a bullet and realize there is no way you're going to seat it at a depth that involves a crimp. ... The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto ...
Seating/crimping bullets with no cannelure? | Ruger Forum
For those of you with experience seating/crimping bullets with no cannelure I have a question. The Rainier plated 250 gr bullets I recently purchased have no cannelure (crimp line). ... The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada
Cannelure for AR-10 reloading or not? | Sniper's Hide Forum
Re: Cannelure for AR-10 reloading or not? Thanks BCP. The way it was explained to me is that the recoil jolts the ammo in the magazine and in accordance with newton's third law of motion could undesireably seat the bullets further in the casings, affecting accuracy or worse, increase pressures...
Noob question. Do I seat the bullet to the COAL or to the cannelure?
If the bullet has a cannelure I will typically crimp it there. No cannelure I will start with the manual's COAL and check the cartridges fit in the mag and rifle to determine the final bullet seating. Use caution crimping bullets without a cannelure as they are easily deformed and will lose accuracy.
Effect of Cannelure on Accuracy? | Shooters' Forum
Does the presence of a cannelure on a bullet affect accuracy? I am shooting an AR15 right now, and shot some inexpensive ammo through it. I expected better accuracy, and wondered if the cannelure on the PMC ammo hurt accuracy at all. I will be reloading next month, and am sure accuracy will improve, but just wondered about the cannelure. - Phil
.357 bullet without a Cannelure | The Firearms Forum
I have one made by CH/4D and I roll cannelure's into all my swaged, .357, 44 and 45 bullets. It not only provides a place for a roll crimp but locks the core into the jacket, especially with home swaged bullets. ... A forum community dedicated to all firearm owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing ...
Cannelured vs non-cannelured cases | Ruger Forum
buck460XVR. 329 posts · Joined 2010. #3 · Dec 1, 2013. If you shoot those cannelured cases enough, the firing will "iron out" the cannelure. While many claim they never trim …
Cannelure Effect on Accuracy | Sniper's Hide Forum
Feb 26, 2024. Pappasniper. P. Share: Facebook X (Twitter) WhatsApp Email Share Link. Forums. The Hide Armory. Reloading Depot. All, I have the opportunity to pick up …
Must you use the cannelure? | Page 2 | Shooters Forum
You are right to think the effect is no worse a cannelure, but as I mentioned, the reason match bullets aren't given cannelures is precisely because even bullet makers can't find …
Steel-cased, cannelured .30-'06 | Gunboards Forums
The tab at the rear of the link that fits in the extraction groove on the 7.92x57mm round might fit in the cannelure on the .30-'06 round. The taper of the .30-'06 case might …
Must you use the cannelure? | Shooters Forum
The old Cal 30 M1 Ball bullet (has a cannelure) and National Match M1 Type (same bullet but without cannelure) has a bearing surface (the full-diameter cylindrical part) that is …
.357 OAL involving cannelure and seating...
When I called him on the situation, he said to ignore the cannelure and seat the bullet at the 1.58/1.59 and to do a lighter crimp (1/2 turn of the stem) on the round. ... A forum community dedicated to all firearm owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and ...
Must you use the cannelure? | Survivalist Forum
wildwes. 1464 posts · Joined 2020. #2 · Dec 16, 2020. You do not have to use the cannelure in most cases. If you have something that has heavy recoil the …
Seating Depth and Cannelure | 1911Forum
The cannelure was originally to hold the lead inside the jacket. I run ELD-X bullets in autoloaders without any issue, no cannelure, Lee factory crimp die, good neck tension is the key. and not over crimping, whic can balloon the neck reducing neck tension. I would always go with published OAL rather then just trying to hit the cannelure.
Hornady 55gr bullet with crimp cannelure | Ruger Forum
I will be using them in my CZ .223 bolt gun but don't usually crimp and get great results using my handloads. I loaded one of the hornady's and noticed the crimp cannelure is nowhere near the case mouth for the bullet seating depth I've always used. I'm thinking just to ignore the cannelure and stick to the same bullet depth and hope they shoot ok.
Cannelure vs. No Cannelure on match ammo???
("W/C" means with cannelure) Anyway, thanks for clarifying the larger picture. Perhaps it will help someone else. Where did you get that list? P.S. - I first came across the cannelure while trying to "reverse engineer" the Black Hills Ammo supposedly using the Hornady 75 gr HPBT bullet. When I pulled the bullet (no mean feat), It had the cannelure.
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